# Place all config file global variables. Eg. variables to be used as string interpolation
# for the rest of the file.
topdir = /Users/gbartlet/Research/TrafGen/
datadir = /tmp

        log_file = /tmp/fred
        log_level = 1


gateway = users.isi.deterlab.net
username = gbartlet
nodes = n1, n2, r1

nodes = steel
username = gbartlet

nodes = hpc
username = gbartlet

        # In this section we define how we group the hosts defined in the 'nodes' section.
        # Group names can be anything as long as they are only are comprised of nothing but
        # alphanumeric characters, plus the underscore character. Eg. "my_hosts3" or "web_servers".
        # Groups definitions can be nested, up to a default of 3 nestings.
        # Groups may be modified and added to by blocks in the 'resource allocation' section.
        # If you are using blocks which will fill in group members for you,
        # it's ok to leave a group name blank. (eg. "my_group_x = ")
        group6 = group3, host5, localhost, localhost, localhost, localhost, localhost, localhost, group3, hos
        group1 = n1.click-test.trafgen.isi.deterlab.net
        group2 = group1, host2
        group3 = group2, host6
        my_group_x =

        order = blah2
        actions = none
        def = ${topdir}/alias/legoTGinterface.py

[resource allocation]
        order = blah
        actions = none

        # First we use the keyword 'order' to define the order of precidence
        # that blocks should be called in.
        order = alias

        # Actions which define an experiment and the order these are called in.
        # Default is "install, setup, test, status, start, status"

        actions = install, setup, test, status
        # In the following subsections (eg. [[ ]]) we give the block names (which can be anything)
        # and where to find the interface file (keyword 'def') and which target groups or hosts
        # this block will be run on (keyword 'target').
        # Note that multiple blocks can use the same interface definition file, but with different
        # targets and variables.
        # Each block needs a unique name. (eg. none of the names within the following [[ ]] brackets
        # should be the same.
        # Needs lists the files which the block depends on. This list is checked to make sure
        # these files have been created by the appropriate block.
        # The [[[variables]]] section of each block is optional. Variable names should match
        # the class variable names in the interface file specified in 'def'.
                filename = FRED
                def = ${topdir}/alias/legoTGinterface.py
                target = group1
                needs = ${datadir}/frank/%host.ips
                creates = ${datadir}/frank/%host.out, $filename

                my_var = value2

        [[alias two]]
                def = ${topdir}/alias/legoTGinterface.py
                target = group1

                my_var = stuff

                def = ${topdir}/route/legoTGinterface.py
                target = group1


Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Oct 11, 2013 3:32:29 PM