Table edumaterial_types
Purpose: store types of material we have
- type: encoded type
- description: textual description of type like slides, HTML lecture, homework, CCTF
Table edumaterial_shared
Purpose: store all shared materials
- ID: unique ID
- type: encoded type
- access: student/teacher
- title
- location folder or binary content
- author contact: uid
Table edumaterial_tags
- material ID from edumaterial_shared
- tag: enables searching
Table class_assignments
Purpose: Record what is assigned per class, allow for versioning of materials specific to class
- ID: unique ID
- title
- location folder or binary folder
- PID of the class that's adopting it (idx?)
- GID of the group that's assigned to (idx?)
- state: prepared/assigned/expired
- due_on: date when it is due
- after_due: show/hide
Table student_assignments
Purpose: Record what is assigned per student, allow for submissions
- ID: unique ID
- assignment_ID: ID from class_assignments
- uid: uid from users
- state: submitted/not submitted
- submission_time: datetime
- submission: binary record or folder where submitted materials are
Last modified 11 years ago
Last modified on Jul 16, 2014 3:25:48 PM