Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Documentation

Jul 16, 2015 11:22:13 AM (9 years ago)



  • Documentation

    v1 v2  
    11= DeterLab Documentation =
     2* [wiki:Glossary DeterLab Glossary] - List of key terms used throughout DeterLab
    3 == Getting Started ==
     4== DeterLab Core Documentation ==
     5 * [wiki:CoreQuickstart Core Quickstart] - Overview of DeterLab's core functionality and quick start guide
     6 * [wiki:CoreGuide Core Guide] - Step by step guide to using DeterLab's core functionality including basic tutorial
     7 * [wiki:Topologies Sample Topologies] - Some sample topologies to help you learn NS syntax
     8 * [wiki:UsingNodes Using Your Nodes] - Information about accessing and using your experimental nodes
     9 * [wiki:LegoTG Generating Traffic] - Using the LegoTG framework to generate traffic for your experiment
     10 * [wiki:linkdelays End Node Traffic Shaping and Multiplexed Links] - Some techniques to help preserve nodes and balance bandwidth across nodes
     11 * [wiki:Sharing Using Shared Materials] - Sharing files and other elements of your experiment within DeterLab
     12 * [wiki:CoreReference Core Reference] - Links to detailed references including DeterLab's command line reference and more
    5   * [wiki:Tutorial Tutorial on using DeterLab]
    6   * [ DeterLab tutorial slide deck] (pdf)
    7   * [wiki:Topologies Sample topologies and NS files]
    8   * [wiki:DETERSSH Accessing testbed nodes using SSH]
    9   * [wiki:SerialConsole Using the Serial Console on testbed nodes]
     14== MAGI Orchestrator Documentation ==
     15DeterLab's Orchestrator system via MAGI provides deterministic control and management for complex DeterLab experiments.
     16 * [wiki:OrchestratorQuickstart Orchestrator Quickstart] - Overview of MAGI, the Orchestrator and a quick start guide
     17 * [wiki:OrchestratorGuide Orchestrator Guide] - Step by step guide to using the Orchestrator including basic tutorial and more advanced topics
     18 * [wiki:OrchestratorCaseStudies Orchestrator Case Studies] - Examples of using Orchestrator for a single client/server, scaled client (50 servers to 5 clients) and feedback
     19 * [wiki:OrchestratorWritingAgents Advanced Tutorial: Writing your own MAGI agents] - Learn how to create your own MAGI agents
     20 * [wiki:MAGI_Agent_Config Advanced Tutorial: Configuring a MAGI Agent at Runtime] - Learn how to configure the MAGI agent you created.
     21 * [wiki:OrchestratorReference Orchestrator Reference] - Detailed references including commands, configuration files and more
    11 == Capabilities for Experimentation ==
     23== Containers Documentation ==
     24DeterLab's Containers system provides virtualization for large DeterLab experiments (with 400+ nodes).
     25 * [wiki:ContainersQuickstart Containers Quickstart] - Overview of Containers and quick start guide
     26 * [wiki:ContainersGuide Containers Guide] - Step by step guide to using Containers including basic tutorial and more advanced topics
     27 * [wiki:ContainersReference Containers Reference] - Detailed references including commands, configuration files and more
    13   * [ Orchestration (MAGI)] - Communications and control system for repeatable experimentation.
    14   * [ Virtualization (Containers)] - For creating large-scale  DETER topologies that support differing degrees of fidelity in individual elements. Helpful for experiments requiring 400+ computers.
     29== Other Capabilities for Experimentation ==
    1531  * [ Federation] - Federation architecture for creating experiments that span multiple testbeds through dynamically acquiring resources from other testbeds.
    1632  * [ Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)] - Scalable authorization system used with the federation capability.
    19 == Reference Documentation ==
    21   * [wiki:nscommands NS Command Reference]
    22   * [wiki:NodeTypes Available Node Types]
    23   * [wiki:OSImages Available Operating System images]
    24   * [wiki:MakingNewImages Making New Operating System images]
    25   * [wiki:NetFPGA/nodes Available netFPGA nodes]
    26   * [wiki:LegacyTools Legacy Tools]