Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Deter/NewExDesc

Sep 29, 2010 11:57:57 AM (14 years ago)



  • Deter/NewExDesc

    v6 v7  
    77Every metadescription has the following dimensions:
    9  * topology (could or could not be domain-dependent. we move the domain-dependent part into invariants. for example "cong. control experiments need a common core where congestion occurs.)
    10  * invariants (statements that must be true for this class of experiments to be valid, and conditions for this to happen. domain-specific)
    11  * workflow (domain-specific)
     9 * topology (could or could not be domain-dependent. we move the domain-dependent part into invariants. for example "cong. control experiments need a common core where congestion occurs.) - LANGUAGE: TopDL with understanding that there's a way to translate this into NS
     10 * invariants (statements that must be true for this class of experiments to be valid, and conditions for this to happen. domain-specific) - LANGUAGE: Arun's DETERmine grammar ss final output but user may interact with a translation of it in English
     11 * actors are defined separately - actors map to topology somehow - there may be additional directives to denote how to do this mapping. For each actor you may choose to use one or many, or you could group them and use one or many actor groups in your experiment (e.g. simultaneous DDoS attacks) - LANGUAGE: TBD but pretty simple
     12 * event timeline (domain-specific) - LANGUAGE: Arun's DETERmine grammar;
    1314Some metadescriptions contain more like:
    15  * traffic (could be domain-specific, depending on type of traffic - mission vs background)
     16 * traffic (could be domain-specific, depending on type of traffic - mission vs background) - it's a little vague what portion of traffic gets defined in event timeline as opposed to here. We should have an option of defining multiple traffic streams at one place (here) if they are similar. Defining traffic means defining request/reply sizes, timing and perhaps content.
    1617 * visualization (domain-specific)
    1718 * post-processing (domain-specific)