Version 8 (modified by sunshine, 14 years ago) (diff)


The attacker poisons a DNS cache to take over authority for a given domain. The attacker then creates a phishing page and tries to steal user's usernames/passwords. There are two classes of experiments that need to be combined:

  1. an experiment where a DNS cache is poisoned, subclass of cache poisoning experiments
  2. an experiment where a phishing attack is conducted via a Web page to steal usernames/passwords

Example 2: DNS cache poisoning for phishing

This example used two metadescriptions. Let's go through each of them. This example is written in [CurrentlyProposedLanguage].

Cache poisoning metadescription

  • Logical topology:


Attacker extends Node

Name, fakeResource extends String

Cache extends Object

Cache := {String[] records}







not collocated(Cache, Attacker)

  • Timeline of events:


Attacker a, Cache c, Name n, fakeResource fr

e1 := {type = REPLY, origin = a, destination = c, content = (n=fr)}

s1 := {c.records += (n=fr)}


e1 -> s1

  • Invariants: Nothing in addition to the topology and timeline above.

DNS Cache poisoning metadescription

This is a special case of cache poisoning where the target is DNS cache.

  • Logical topology:


Attacker extends Node

Auth extends Node

Name extends DNSName

RealIP extends IPAddress

FakeIP extends IPAddress or fakeAuth extends DNSName

victimCache extends Object

victimCache := {DNSRecord[] records}

authCache extends Object

authCache := {DNSRecord[] records = {Name=RealIP, auth(domain(Name)) = Auth}











not collocated(victimCache, Attacker)

not collocated(victimCache, Auth)

collocated(authCache, Auth)

  • Timeline of events:


Attacker att, Auth auth, Name n, FakeIP fIP, fakeAuth fauth, RealIP rIP, victimCache vc, authCache ac

e1 := {type = DNSREQUEST, origin = att, destination = vc, content = IP(n)?}

e2 := {type = DNSREQUEST, origin = vc, destination = auth, content = IP(n)?}

e3 := {type = DNSREPLY, origin = auth, destination = vc, content = {n=rIP}}

e4 := {type = DNSREPLY, origin = auth, destination = vc, content = {n=unknown}}

e5 := {type = DNSREPLY, origin = att, destination = vc, content = {auth(domain(n)) = dnsname(fakeAuth)}}

s1 := {vc.records += (auth(domain(n)) = fakeAuth)}

e6 := {type = DNSREPLY, origin = att, destination = vc, content = {n=fIP}}

s2 := {vc.records += (n=fIP)}


e1 -> e2 -> (e5 -> s1 -> e4 xor e6 -> s2 -> e3)

  • Invariants: Nothing in addition to the topology and timeline above.

Confidential access metadescription

The phishing attempt is essentially same as presenting a valid page to the user that asks for confidential info - it's just that the location of that page is not as user expected.


  • Logical topology:


User extends Human

Server extends webServer

Page extends webPage

Public, Confidential extends String








collocated(Page, Server)

  • Timeline of events:


User u, Server s, Public p, Confidential c, Page wp

e1 := {type = WEBREQUEST, origin = u, destination = s, content = url(wp)}

e2 := {type = WEBREQUEST, origin = s, destination = u, content = (public?, confidential?)}

e3 := {type = WEBREPLY, origin = u, destination = s, content = (public=x, confidential=y)}

e4 := {type = WEBREPLY, origin = s, destination = u, content = wp}


e1 -> e2 -> e3 -> if (x == p and y == c) then e4

  • Invariants: Nothing in addition to the topology and timeline above.

Experiment design

Now I'm a user who wants to design an experiment. I need to combine two metadescriptions (DNS cache poisoning and phishing) and somehow tie them down to generator choices. To combine I'll do something like this:

DNSCachePoisoning dcp, confidentialAccess ca

dcp.FakeIP := ip(ca.Server)

dcp -> ca