ping node1.YourExperiment.YourProject
ping node1
. This ensures that traffic goes over experimental network.
folder. If you need more disk space on a Linux or FreeBSD node you can mount more to /mnt/local
by doing
sudo /usr/local/etc/emulab/ /mnt user=`whoami` sudo chown $user /mnt/localor on an XP node, ssh in and set a root password:
% passwd rootthen through rdesktop log in as root, and use start -> control panel -> performance and maintenance -> administrative tools -> computer management -> storage -> disk management (local) to create a new partition. After the partition formats, log out of the root account and the storage will be available to your usual identity.
Transfer the files to your home directory before you swap out to save them.
or /mnt/local
on experimental machines)
or /mnt/local
on experimental machines)