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The DETER testbed API is broken up into 5 services, each covering one of the major abstractions that the testbed exports. The services are:

We discuss each in detail and provide links to the detailed javadoc of the implementation, where applicable and available.

The document and API are both works in progress and will be fleshed out and changed as the API is modified.

General Info

The API is implemented as a SOAP web service over TLS secured connections. The user's identity is generally provided by a client certificate, but the client certificates are generally transient. A valid temporary client certificate can be requested from the API by correctly responding to a challenge keyed on the user's password.

The API is implemented using the axis web service framework, which means that javadocs are provided for the various calls.

Each service and call are accessed by appending servicename/operation to the base URL of the API server. On DETERlab the base URL will be https://api.isi.deterlabnet:52323/axis2/service. For example, one can access the getVersion operation below at https://api.isi.deterlabnet:52323/axis2/service/ApiInfo/getVersion

Each operation returns useful parameters on success and throws a fault, called a DeterFault, on an error. Faults are standard SOAP faults with a detail section that includes the following fields:

The ErrorString and ErrorCode are equivalent, but the information in the DetailString is generally more informative about the specifics. Request or access errors are generally correctable on the client side while internal errors are not.

javadoc for DeterFault


The ApiInfo service provides metadata about the running DETER API. It also provides a simple check that a user is presenting authentication credentials correctly.

javadoc for ApiInfo

The sole operation in the ApiInfo service is getVersion. The call is unauthenticated and can be made driectly from a web browser to confirm that the API is functioning and that the user can see DETERlab.


The Users API is concerned with managing users and their profiles as well as authenticating to the testbed and receiving a client certificate for later calls.

javadoc for Users


A user can authenticate to the testbed and receive a short-lived client x.509 certificate by requesting a challenge using the requestChallenge operation and responding to the challenge via the challengeResponse operation.

Currently only one challenge type is defined. The challenge is an array of bytes and the response is return an SHA1 HMAC of that string keyed by the user's password.

Profile Manipulation

DETER keeps metadata about each user called a profile. The API provides an authenticated user with several interfaces to query and modify their profile information.

In the API each element of profile data is represented as a structure with the following data in it:

To get a profile schema, for example to create an empty web page,

To read a user's profile (generally only users can read their own profile).

Finally a user can modify a profile:


A notification is a short message from another user or the testbed asking a user to take an action (add someone to a project, update a password before expiration) or communicating other information to the user (testbed downtime, etc). A web interface will want to present these to a user.

The filtering variables are all applied if given. If OnlyUnread is true and FirstDate and LastDate are both given, only unread notifications between those dates are returned.


Finally a user can request access to the testbed by creating a profile. The user has no privileges and consumes minimal resources until they join a vetted project. This is an unauthenticated call, but the user profile is not created until an automated e-mail exchange is made between the testbed and the proto-user.

Note that all non-optional fields must be provided, so this is best preceeded by a call to getProfileDescription to learn the fields.


The profile API lets users manage their project memberships as well as manipulate projects.

Listing Projects

Authenticated users can look at the various projects they are members of, and may scope such searcher by project names.

Filters are cumulative: specifying a regular expression and an owner will match on both.

Manipulating Projects

With appropriate rights a user can add another user to a project they are in:

If this fails, a fault is sent. A call to viewProjects will confirm the change.

Similarly, a user can be removed:

If a user has the right to both add and remove a user, that user can change a user's permissions:

The owner of a group (and only the owner of that group) can give that privilege away:

A user may request to join an existing project. Note that the user need not be able to view or manipulate the project to make a request. The request will send a notification to users in the target group that can add users.

Manipulating Projects

Non-vetting projects can be created and deleted with little overhead:

On success the new project is created with the calling user as owner and sole member. The user has all rights.

Generally an owner can remove a project, but removing a vetting project requires a testbed administrator.

Because creating a vetting project may require review, it is more involved. First the user retrieves the testbed's schema for information to supply:

A web interface will gather this interface and call:

When this succeeds the data will be passed into the testbed's vetting process. The user will be notified out of band if the project was created. Behind the scenes the project is created by an admin using createProject and this call is made on it by the admin:

And then the admin adds the requesting user to the project makes them owner and removes themselves.