Power cycle a node, on "boss": {{{ power cycle }}} Add (or remove) a user to (from) the wheel group: {{{ wap unixgroups -a [user] wheel Usage: /usr/testbed/sbin/unixgroups <-h | -p | < <-a | -r> uid gid...> > -h This message -p Print group information -a uid gid... Add a user to one (or more) groups -r uid gid... Remove a user from one (or more) groups }}} Check the syntax of an ns file: {{{ nscheck nsfile where: nsfile - Path to NS file you to wish check for parse errors }}} Mark nodes "hwdown", on "boss". {{{ (Make sure that /usr/testbed/sbin is in your path.) wap sched_reserve emulab-ops hwdown [list-of-nodes] ^ desired state nfree emulab-ops reloading [list-of-nodes] ^ current state }}} To allocate node(s) that are currently "free", on "boss": {{{ nalloc emulab-ops hwdown [list-of-nodes] ^ desired state Usage: nalloc [-v] [-p] <...> -p enables partial allocation mode -v enables debugging output }}} Get switch statistics (such as packet counts) for an experiment. On "users": {{{ portstats prints statistics for all experimental interfaces in an experiment. portstats -h lists the other options. }}} Load an image onto node(s) in an experiment. {{{ os_load [options] node [node ...] os_load [options] -e pid,eid where: -i - Specify image name; otherwise load default image -p - Specify project for finding image name (-i) -s - Do *not* wait for nodes to finish reloading -m - Specify internal image id (instead of -i and -p) -r - Do *not* reboot nodes; do that yourself -e - Reboot all nodes in an experiment -z 1 - Zero unused portions of the disk. (Currently only on "boss".) node - Node(s) to reboot (pcXXX) Wrapper Options: --help Display this help message --server Set the server hostname --login Set the login id (defaults to $USER) --debug Turn on semi-useful debugging }}} Schedule a Node's future assignment(s) {{{ wap sched_reserve [ ...] }}} Schedule a OS installation {{{ wap sched_reload (see sched_reload --help) }}} Release a node from it's current assignment. {{{ wap nfree [] [...] ***don't forget the node name or you'll free ***all the nodes in the project/group }}}