There are three VMWare templates available at for Boss, Users, and Router nodes. These images don't contain the DETER source, but do have all packages required package to build the testbed source.
You will want to configure your internet facing VM interfaces. The main configuration file for FreeBSD is /etc/rc.conf and the configuration lines for the interfaces are near the top. You might also want to configure /etc/resolv.conf for initial setup (after setup, you will be using the DNS server on Boss).
Configuring FreeBSD is beyond the scope of this documentation, but the FreeBSD Handbook is an excellent reference for most FreeBSD systems administration tasks. Also, FreeBSD features very complete man pages.
The users image contains two disk images. One is for the main operating system and the other is for NFS exported filesystems. These are kept separate in order to make it easy for sites to deploy a bigger NFS export filesystem.
Nothing special to note yet.
This image is minimally configured to route between the various networks. It is also configured to route/relay Multicast and DHCP requests between boss and the control network.