WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Getting Help with DETER

What to do first if you are having trouble?

Check out the FrequentlyAskedQuestions to see if your question has already been answered. You can also search the documentation and trouble tickets with Search.

Information we need from you when you contact us.

Taking a few moments to properly document what you are having trouble with will help in getting your problem addresses quickly.

If you do contact us, please include the following:

Ways to get assistance

Create a trouble ticket

This is the best way to contact us. We are notified when new tickets are opened and respond to them quickly, often as soon as we receive them (during business hours).


If you are reporting a support problem, do not email us. Instead, follow instructions above for filing a ticket.

If for some reason you must email us, DETER testbed operations can be reached at testbed-ops@….