== FreeBSD on DETER == {{{ #!html
IMPORTANT: This page is outdated. Updated information is coming soon.
}}} == Officially Supported Images == * [https://www.isi.deterlab.net/showimageid.php3?imageid=460 FBSD7-STD] FreeBSD 7.3 image. * [https://www.isi.deterlab.net/showimageid.php3?imageid=1013 FBSD8-STD] FreeBSD 8.2 image. == Working with FreeBSD == === First things first === FreeBSD comes with excellent documentation. This includes complete manual pages that document everything from syscalls to command line utilities and a handbook that covers basic system administration tasks. * [http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi Web Interface for the FreeBSD man pages] * [http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ The FreeBSD Handbook] * [http://www.freebsd.org/docs.html All FreeBSD documentation resources] === Binary Packages === Binary packages for FreeBSD 7.3-RELEASE and 8.2-RELEASE are mirrored on scratch. In order to install binary packages from scratch, the environment variable '''PACKAGEROOT''' is set. To check that this is set, simple echo the variable: {{{ node0 ~]$ echo $PACKAGEROOT http://scratch [jjh@node0 ~]$ }}} You can now use the [http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=pkg_add&sektion=1 pkg_add] command to install packages. Using the '-r' option instructs [http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=pkg_add&sektion=1 pkg_add] to fetch the package from the remote host defined by the PACKAGEROOT variable. This command needs to be run as root, so we use the sudo command. {{{ [jjh@node0 ~]$ sudo pkg_add -r tmux Fetching http://scratch/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-7.3-release/Latest/tmux.tbz... Done. [jjh@node0 ~]$ }}} To view the list of available packages, you can go to: * [http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-7.3-release/Latest Packages available for FreeBSD 7.3] * [http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-8.2-release/Latest Packages available for FreeBSD 8.2] To learn more about managing packages on FreeBSD, please refer to [http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/packages-using.html Section 4.4 of the FreeBSD Handbook] === Source for FreeBSD === For now, the source can be found in '''/share/freebsd'''