WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Getting Access to EARS Overview

Access to the EARS cluster is filtered by a bastion host. We figured the easiest way to provide secure access to users was to use SSH as a proxy from a bastion host. Here is an overview of the steps.

Logging into EGATE, the bastion host

$ ssh -D 1080
Last login: Thu Jul 18 16:40:33 2013 from
FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p3 (EGATE) #2: Fri Jun  7 17:48:53 PDT 2013

Welcome to FreeBSD!

Handy bash(1) prompt:  PS1="\u@\h \w \!$ "
		-- David Scheidt <>
[jjh@egate ~]$ 

Using the Proxy for the EARS web interface

Sending all Firefox traffic through

This is the easiest way to get going, but all web traffic will be sent through

Sending only web traffic destined for through the proxy

We recommend using Firefox with the FoxyProxy Standard extension. This extension allows finer grained control of how the proxy is used.

Accessing the Web Interface

Logging into users

You can log into from egate. You will need to apply to a project and be approved before you can log into users since the EARS testbed is distinct from the ISI testbed.