You are now rockin with the west
Swap in the Experiment using this NS file
Then log in to through Putty. For help on logging onto Putty check out this tutorial.
We need to generate traffic in our network and one of the easiest ways to do that is with HTTP traffic, so we need to set up a server and a web page. Connect to Server 1 and use the command: sudo /proj/DeterTest/runme.nodeA
This will run a script with Apache 2 which sets up the server and web page and displays the users IP address on the Server 1 node. When prompted "Do you want to continue [Y/n]?" select Y
Once the script is done running, the server is now set up and we can generate traffic! You can check this by typing w3m http://localhost/cgi-bin/ip.cgi
which should display your IP address.
It should look like this. Repeat this process on Server 2
ssh <node>.<experiment>.<group>
for example ssh Server1.cadet-test2.DeterTest
and you will be connected
Proxy node
sudo /proj/DeterTest/runme.proxy
We are now ready to begin learning! One person SSH into either Alice or Bob while another person logs into the server node. From the server node type the command CHASE I DON'T KNOW THE TCPDUMP COMMAND this will begin listening to the traffic that comes through this node. From Alice type w3m http://server1/cgi-bin/ip.cgi
This is how Alice is attempting to view the web page set up on the server, generating traffic we can see.